Submitted by yejr on 周三, 2006/05/17 - 12:47
不管是master还是slave,都要设定 server-id
选项来确定使它们都有各自唯一的同步ID。必须选择 1 到 2^32-1 之间的正整数。例如: server-id=3
关于master服务器上可用于控制二进制日志记录的选项详细描述请看"5.9.4 The Binary Log"。
Submitted by yejr on 周三, 2006/05/17 - 12:46
Submitted by yejr on 周三, 2006/05/17 - 12:45
Submitted by yejr on 周三, 2006/05/17 - 12:43
come from:
Extensive services agreement designed to ease implementation and help clients realize economic and operational benefits of enterprise computing based on open standards
BLUE BELL, PA. - Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS) today announced that it has signed a worldwide distribution agreement with MySQL, Inc. that will enable Unisys to distribute MySQL software products and provide consulting, integration and support services for customers implementing MySQL open source databases in their technology infrastructures.
With this agreement in place, Unisys can provide a broad range of consulting, integration and support services for the MySQL? database product family, including MySQL Network subscriptions, MySQL Cluster and associated products. The new solution offering for MySQL strengthens Unisys rich services capabilities for open source stacks such as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl).
Submitted by yejr on 周五, 2006/05/12 - 15:48
come from:
Dublin Corporate Sales Office Grows 5X Over Previous 12 Months
for Open Source Database Vendor
Dublin, Ireland -- May 10, 2006 -- MySQL AB, developer of the world's most popular open source database, is seeing increased growth and momentum in EMEA, resulting in further expansion of its Dublin corporate sales office. This is a result of unprecedented demand for MySQL database software in Europe, where the company already has a growing number of ISV and enterprise customers.
According to Richard Mason, MySQL AB's vice president of EMEA, "With more than 10 million active installations worldwide, we are experiencing unprecedented demand for MySQL software and services. As a result, we are expanding our Dublin-based corporate sales team to meet customer demand throughout Europe."
Submitted by yejr on 周四, 2006/05/11 - 09:35
come from:
One of the Largest Specialized UN Agencies Plans to Migrate up to 80% of its Technical Information Systems to MySQL
ROME, Italy -- May 2, 2006 -- MySQL AB, the developer of the world's most popular open source database, today announced that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has selected MySQL as its open source server-side database standard.
Founded in 1945 and with more than 3,700 staff members, FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy. Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts. With headquarters in Rome and 74 country offices around the world, FAO provides the kind of behind-the-scenes assistance and sustainable solutions that help people and nations help themselves.
Submitted by yejr on 周二, 2006/05/09 - 08:43
现在开始"MySQL 同步"的翻译,同时征有意一起合作的网友,可以用email联系我。
Submitted by yejr on 周一, 2006/05/08 - 18:41
- 磁盘搜索是性能的很大瓶颈。这个问题在数据大量增长以至于无法使用有效的缓存时尤为明显。或多或少随即访问大数据库时,就必然会有至少一次磁盘搜索来读数据,两次磁盘搜索来写数据。最小化这个问题的办法就是降低磁盘搜索次数。
- 增加有效磁盘马达数量(这能减少搜索时的开销)或者将不同的文件链接到不同的磁盘上又或者分盘:
- 使用符号链接
Submitted by yejr on 周一, 2006/05/08 - 18:40
在Linux上,用 pgcc
和 -O3
编译的代码最快。大概需要200MB的内存加上这些选项来编译 ``,因为 gcc/pgcc